Michael R. H. Swanson Ph. D.
Office: CAS 110, Ext. 3230
Hrs: M. F. 1:00-2:00
T, 11:00-12:30, W 2:00-3:00
This night my objective is to nail down, once and for all, everyone's research topic based on London. I've tried to approach this with you methodically:
- First, you've chosen a time periodm
- Second, some phenominon (person, movement, place, event, etc.) which really happened in that period, and with which one of the five interlocking clans interacted.
- Third, for this evening, I want you to prepare two things.
Using the tools/techniques I've been demonstrating, begin to assemble bookmarks (Universal Resource Locators) to test the viability of the research topic. It may be about the most interesting thing in the world, but if you can't find information on it, you're going to be up a creek (or the River Thames) with no paddle.
If you haven't done so already, create a folder in your MURL account for your research on London. If you need help with that, send me an e-mail for detailed instructions.